
Harry Buchanan’s Thursday Greyhound Best Bets


Race 4 No. 3 You’re Busted

Gets in well here and boxed to track the speed up and finish hard. Trust needed as he has some tricks when he gets to the leaders but can show conviction when he wants to. Gets his chance.

Race 5 No. 3 Notorious Harada

Speaking of chances, the class runner gets her best chance yet in some time against these. Good box dog, early speed and runs time on the arm, she will take no end of stopping here if she finds the top at box rise. Huge show in this.

Race 8 No. 2 Oh Yeah Alright

Another who drops into this and won’t know himself against these. Drops out of grade 3 and tough grade 3 at that. Has the pace and sustains a strong 300 here. Clear run and he goes very very close.

Race 10 No. 7 Junk It Man and No. 4 Pumping Gas

The 7 back to 400 is a plus. He’s just not getting anything further anymore. Can muster up off a good step and hard to catch if he crosses. The 4 will play for rails runs but gets home strongly here. Watch for him late at an EW quote.

Race 11 No. 6 Bad Influence

Back to 300 off a short freshen up is key here. The box not so much. She doesn’t need to lead however and if she could hold a forward spot before turning, expect her to hit the line well enough to hit the frame at a good price.

Race 12 No. 7 Cosmic Overseer

A week has been a long time in greyhound racing for backers of this bloke but it’s here now and quite simply, he’s boxed to win. Only has to step and he beats these and will be disappointed if he doesn’t . Best bet!!

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