

Harry Buchanan’s Daily Greyhound Tips


Race 4 No. 2 Cindy Doyle and No. 6 Global Hope 

Going for the arm early here with these two. The 2 wins if it finds the top and the 6 although disappointing last start, will go much better this time. Fav ridiculously short. 

Race 5 No. 7 Quick Tin and No. 6 Westdale Ryker 

7 racing well and spears over here with her early toe. Hard to catch if she crosses. The 6 from the back will look strong and ominous if he gets the breaks. 

Race 6 No. 4 Theatre Of War

Goes well here at the track and trip. Rarely out of the money and resumed well last start. Can surprise here if he offsets the box. Great EW show. 

Race 7 No. 4 Columbus Monelli and No. 1 Global Light

The 4 bolts in here with any luck and clear running. By far the fastest dog in the race but has some early pace issues over this trip. Shouldn’t bother him here. Only needs a look. The 1 will go alright here too and show up early. Boil over last time at huge odds and was impressive. Save there. 7 the only other hope but badly drawn.

Race 8 No. 6 Emma Monelli 

Super consistent and while she can’t draw a box, she can step and show speed so if she crosses she can win. Goes well here and can deliver a knockout blow. 

Race 9 No. 7 Whiskey On Rocks

Back from a crack at Northam and can go much better here. Has good track and trip form and is solid in the run home. Just needs to handle the wide draw but she can. 

Race 10 No. 8 Shayna Monelli and No. 6 Believin Blade

The 8 will muster quickly here and is a threat if she crosses. Three-time winner here and has gone fast time. Respect her. The 6 got the money last time and he will again be looking for the gaps first turn. Hits the line hard when he gets them. 

Race 11 No. 1 Mango Salsa and No. 2 Sebastian Mac 

Both dogs boxed to give a sight. A very wide runner in 4 will give both the chance to punch up here and they are priced to play. The 1 can step and show pace while the 2 is a little more versatile. Big chances. 


Race 2 No. 9 Off Switch

Get the run off box 8 and will give a big sight here. Has a strong formline for this class and will go fast out wide to try and settle forward. Can win with a clear run and top two player. 

Race 5 No. 7 Foresaken and No. 8 Weblec Jet

The 7 has returned super and while I would like to see him have one more run, he can give a sight and has terrific record here. The 8 should be a different dog around a corner. Clearly didn’t feel comfortable up the straight as he was beaten twice when he shouldn’t have been. Must improve here. 

Race 7 No. 5 Zipping Jazz and No. 1 Aston Alpha 

Every time the 5 steps out here he goes enormous. Massive price again and can run on into the placings. Don’t ignore him. The 1 is boxed to give a sight and if he shows up early will prove hard to get past. 

Race 9 No. 1 Pepperjack and No. 2 Platinum Flare 

A couple we have followed recently boxed to give a showing here. Wide runners in the middle give both dogs their chances. The 1 can power home along the fence and the 2 is the knockout here and under rated. EW players.

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